About Us
About Us
Birandhi recognized under Section 406 of the Companies Act 2013. FDFD Nidhi certified with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. FDFD Nidhi authorized by it laws to accepts deposits from its members under many types of Schemes like Recurring Deposit, Fixed Deposit, Saving Deposits to Term Deposits. Also maximum to maximum satisfying our valuable members need with simple and easy. Our goal is to build trust. Our products are designed to deliver maximum value to our members, offering attractive rate of interest along with other benefits.

What We Do
Building trust and empowering people with innovative banking.
With a persevering and ambitious team, Mr Niranjan Verma, the founder, has made his vision of leading the company along the values of Fair and Inclusive banking for all.
The aim is to be a world class bank that offers convenient and affordable financial solutions to all, in an inclusive and sustainable manner.